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A word from TLC Ivory Coast’s Country Manager

Dear Client, Dear Business Partner,

First of all, I hope you and your families are healthy and in safe conditions, under the unprecedented Covid19 circumstances.

By way of this newsletter, I would like to update you on the current situation in Ivory Coast as well as on our latest development:

  • Crew changes: Air borders with Ivory Coast have reopened on 6 July 2020. As per attached official notification crew changes are allowed since 22 July but subject to the confirmation of the competent health authorities.

Please contact us at to obtain the up-to-date procedure for crew changes

  • Office in Abidjan airport: as regards the customs clearance activity, we have recently opened an office at the Abidjan airport and are ready to handle all your airfreight import/exports there as well.

Please contact us at to obtain a competitive quotation.

  • Door-to-door services: Additionally, we have been quite active commercially during this period and are happy to inform you that we are developing the network with renown international freight forwarders in order to offer tailor-made door to door solutions, from worldwide to Ivory Coast.
  • San Pedro: Finally and in order to always offer tailored-solutions, I am proud to share with you that TLC Ivory Coast is also operational in the port of San Pedro and can offer husbandry and vessel agency services there too.

TLC Ivory Coast is fully engaged into limiting the spread of the virus, but also in preparing the future, in order to serve its clients efficiently and grow the national economy.

Please be informed accordingly and stay safe!


Country Manager

Our Services

  • Customs clearance
  • Vessel agency
  • Husbandry and crew change management
  • 24/7 dedicated oil&gas logistics base in Vridi

TLC and PSL (Petro-Sea Logistics) signed a strategic partnership in order to offer the services of a complete logistics base, available 24/7, in order to support the activities of the Oil & Gas sector.

Ask for the presentation

Client Portfolio

TLC Ivory Coast aims to serve its historical clients in the oil & gas sector as well as more diversified trades, such as industrial projects, construction and renewable energies. TLC Ivory Coast also handles the export of soft commodities and render vessel agency services for the import of fertilisers and chemicals. Finally, the subsidiary plays a regional role, serving land-locked countries such as Mali and Burkina Faso.

Our References


TLC Ivory Coast SA

Km 4, Boulevard de Marseille, Immeuble Blessy,
Zone 3, 06 Boîte Postale 139
TEL +225 54 15 20 20