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Dear Client, Dear Business Partner,
I am pleased to share some exciting news regarding TLC (Guyana) Inc.
TLC (Guyana) Inc. is pleased to announce that it has appointed Mrs Savira Ramroop as Country Manager in Guyana. She commenced her duties in Georgetown on the 24th January.
Mr. Philippe Masserey, TLC’s Chief Executive Officer has stated:
« I am delighted to welcome Mrs Savira Ramroop as our new Country Manager. I am confident that her personal qualities, her substantial and diversified CARICOM experience and her strong technical and commercial expertise will be a great asset to TLC Guyana Inc. Welcome onboard, Savira! »
Country Manager, TLC Guyana Inc.
Visiting address: GEORGETOWN – Lot 12 New Haven – Bel Air Park
Email: management.gy@tlc-com.ch
Graduate of International Institute for Procurement and Market Research, Mrs. Ramroop holds the 3 levels of the CPP (Certified Procurement Professional) certification. Since 2015, Mrs Ramroop has successfully lead projects in procurement, logistics and supply chain fields in Trinidad & Tobago, her home country.
Previously, Mrs Ramroop has held senior managerial positions in the Logistics and Energy Industry. Managing and leading CARICOM Customs and Agency Department (supporting Trinidad, Suriname and Guyana), by adhering to regulatory bodies’ guidelines. Ensuring that the Port Agency’s operations are carried out accordingly to the same legal provisions and ethical codes that govern the activities of the Port Agents and Ship Brokers.
Luigi Rota, former TLC Guyana Inc. Country Manager, has ended his 1-year assignment in country. We are grateful for the work provided and we wish him all the best for his future work endeavors.
We welcome you to join our team of experts and partners at Booth #35 during the next International Energy Conference and Expo Guyana.
TLC will be present with John Fernandes Limited and Pentagon Freight Services.
Come and meet us on the 15th, 16th and 17th February at the Marriott Hotel.
Information on the conference here: https://guyanaenergy.gy/
Best regards,
Philippe Masserey
Chief Executive Officer