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Success Story: float on operation in Abidjan


The youngest TLC subsidiary in Africa, TLC Ivory Coast, already has heavy-weight experience in terms of float on operations. Between the 11th and 20th March 2018, power barge Ayşegül Sultan as well as offshore support vessel Pacific Warrior were successfully loaded on OHT’s giant semi-sub heavy lift vessel, Osprey.

The operation took place in 2 steps. The power ship was first gently moved across the vessel submerged deck into position against the guidepost by the vessel’s own winches, while stand-by tugs were connected to the power ship for an instant pull-out as a contingency measure. On the next day, the loading of the supply vessel was performed.

As OHT’s agent for m/v Osprey, TLC Ivory Coast was in charge of the entry, position and sailing of the Osprey and took all measures related to the air draft of the vessel and cargo, and ensured safe passage under the high tension power cables in the channel. TLC Ivory Coast also provided a team of certified welders that would ensure proper sea fastening on m/v Osprey for the voyage to Yalova, Turkey. Finally TLC Ivory Coast assisted 3 on-signers & 5 off-signers, including the Loading Master.

Why choosing the port of Abidjan

The power barge was being used in Tema, Ghana. The choice of the port of Abidjan for the float on was then obvious not only because of the vicinity but also because of the port situation, actually located on a lagoon, only accessible by a buoyed channel (2.8 km). The particularly calm waters makes it an ideal location for large-scale float on/float off operations.

Statement Of Facts

11 March: sea passage of m/v Osprey, anchorage and mooring to buoy
13 March: loading of power barge
14 March: loading of support vessel
16-20 March: sea fastening
20 March: vessel ready to sail
21 March: start of voyage to next port of call: Yalova, Turkey

OHT Satisfaction Message

TLC provides OHT with valuable services during our complex and advanced operations in the region. As the Company’s local agent for some years now, they know our strict procedures and requirements towards the external parties, which makes our good cooperation highly effective and professional.”

Key Success Factors

– Flawless co-operation & communication with all parties involved (cargo agent, port authorities, electricity company, vessel master…) to optimize time and minimize costs
– Thorough operation preparation and follow-up
– Expert staff

About OHT and m/v Osprey

OHT Management AS is a highly experienced heavy transport vessel operator with fully integrated in-house operations, engineering, technical and commercial management. OHT has transported jack-up rigs for the majority of the largest rig-owners in the world.

Osprey characteritics