First Aid and Firefighting emergency response!
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#TLCAngola is very pleased to announce that Tiago Ferreira Country Manager, Benjamin FELIX Country Operations Manager, Nuno Angeiras Country Shipping Manager, Patricia Lélis, MBA Group Sales and Marketing Manager and Daana Bosco Sales and Marketing Assistant will be part of the 4th edition of the Angola Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition during 13 – 14 September in Luanda.
This year, the conference theme is “ Driving Energy Investment for Economic Development & Energy Wealth”, and it will bring together professionals, leaders and pioneers from the oil and gas industry.
As a prominent player in the logistics sector that supports Angola’s Oil & Gas industry, TLC Angola team will be present on both days of the conference.
To organize a meeting please contact us at plelis@tlc-com.ch
TLC Transportation & Logistic Consulting #OilandGas #Angola #EnergyIndustry #OilandGas #Luanda #TLCGroup
#Logistics #Freightforwarding #Customsclearance #Shipping #Meetandgreet
#TLCAngola #AOG2023